So much to do…

Alright so I am working at trying to get some new designs going on for the blog, but boy is it hard! I wish I could have someone who knew exactly what was going on sitting down right beside me telling me exactly what everything means and how to do everything.

An amazing blogger that is part of my daily reading, Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers, helped me out and pointed me toward a website called The Blog Fairy! I have been checking it out and so far I am absolutely in love with what she has done and I think we could really do something good!

I know its been awhile since I have posted but I have a lot going on and have been super busy with work and volunteering, but I promise to come back with all the new workouts I’ve been doing and the fun stuff thats been keeping me busy!

  • Catch up

    June 2011
    S M T W T F S
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